
Womanimation! 2013 Films

In Vino Veritas    *Audience Award Winner*

Dir. Aneta Žabková (Prague, Czech Rep.)

A woman is preparing for a reunion with her girlfriends after 25 years, but everything seems to be going wrong.

10 min, 2d


Dir. Marion Dramard (Angoulême, France)

When Leontine, a small octogenarian, is evicted from her public housing, a young homeless man takes her on a journey to his castle of rubbish.

6 min, 2d computer animation


Dir. Sandra Desmazières (Paris, France)

Bao and his sister are taking the train like they do everyday. It's always a fabulous adventure for them, but this time, everything will be different.

11 min, 2d - paint oil

Puppenspiel (Puppetshow)

Dir. Julia Urban (Ludwigsburg, Germany)

Little Emma's busy mother brings her to her violin lesson. When Emma can't keep up, she has her doll take her place and has an adventure of her own.

4 min, animated objects, paintings


Dir. Julia Ocker (Ludwigsburg, Germany)

After giving birth to her child, a mother takes unusual steps to keep others from realizing the child is a little different.

9 min, 2d

Kde rostou motýli? (Where Do The Wild Butterflies Grow?)

Dir. Vlaďka Macurová (Dětmarovice, Czech Rep.)

A creature born into a fantastic world looks for her own herd. A poetic story about the search for kindred spirits.

6 min, 2d computer animation

Bajo la almohada (Under The Pillow)

Dir. Isabel Herguera (Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain)

Animated documentary about children who live in a clinic in India. Made with voices and drawings from the children, the film depicts some of the treasures and dreams the children keep hidden under the pillow.

8 min, 2d - ink on paper

The Other Side

Dir. Jing Li (Wuhan, China)

A girl accidentally swallows a hypercube and starts to experience a series of unusual events. She struggles between sense common to everybody and sense in common things.

7 min, 2d

Fan Club

Dir. Jutiporn Julamakorn (Nonthaburi, Thailand)

A girl is obsessed with Korean pop-star Jaejoong and will stop at nothing to get close to him.

5 min, 2d

Billington Prep

Dir. Claire Seringhaus (Halifax, NS, Canada)

Even the most exclusive school has to do some advertising now and again.

2 min, 3d stop motion

Mademoiselle Kiki et les Montparnos (Kiki of Montparnasse)

Dir. Amélie Harrault (Angoulême, France)

Tribute to a free-spirited woman, Kiki of Montparnasse, the unwary muse of major avant-garde painters of the early twentieth century. She transcended her status as a simple model and became a Queen of the Night, a painter, a press cartoonist, a writer and a cabaret singer.

14 min, mixed media

Read More About Womanimation!

Womanimation! Press

A terrific write-up and summary of the festival from the New Haven Independent.

A featured event and another event highlight in the CT Patch.

A recommendation from the CT Tourist Office and the CT Insider.

A listing for the 2023 Encore Edition from WBUR Radio, and the Boston Patch.

Also mentions from MassArt on their website and facebook.

An article highlighting the 2023 festival from the
CT Insider, along with another listing here.

A detailed article from Patch.com.

Selected as a Coming Attraction by Boston's Arts Fuse.

A terrific article on the 2019 festival in the Providence Journal.

Another article in the RI Motif Magazine.

A recommendation from Boston's WBUR ARTery.

A great Motif article on the 2017 festival, along with a mention of the 2018 festival in the Boston Globe.

An interview with festival organizers from 2016 in Motif Magazine.

Another writeup on the 2016 festival in the Providence Monthly.

Motif Magazine also discussed the 2015 festival.

Read about the 2014 festival in the Providence Phoenix and Journal.

Read about the 2013 festival in the Providence Monthly and Journal.

The 2013 festival was a Providence Phoenix Editor's Pick.

Read recommendations for the 2012 festival in the Boston Phoenix and Weekly Dig.

The 2011 festival was covered in the Providence Journal and Phoenix.

Read a detailed interview on the 2010 festival in the Boston Globe.