MergingArts Global Radio

Donne del Mondo

Donne del Mondo features DJ Madame B spinning global music by women, celebrating musical women of the world.

Available every Saturday, Donne del Mondo is syndicated on the Pacifica Radio Network in North America.

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Playlist for this Episode
* Indicates a New Release  
ArtistSong TitleRecordingLabel
Park JihaBreathe AgainAll Living Things *Tak:til
Park JihaGroundingAll Living Things *Tak:til
Mila TraniEssenzaMenta Selvatica *Segell Microscopi
Mila TraniMenta SelvaticaMenta Selvatica *Segell Microscopi
SauljaljuiMapeljuq A Zian (The Harvest Dance)VAIVAIK *Wind Music
SauljaljuiMesaceqalj (Ease of Mind)VAIVAIK *Wind Music
Anandi BhattacharyaRadha Enraptured (Soi Lo)Joys AboundRiverboat Records
Anandi BhattacharyaA Pluviophile's Dance (Sawani)Joys AboundRiverboat Records
Namritha NoriRien On Demande A DieuTraces and Roots *Moonlight Records
Namritha NoriGhannili Ya Dea (Prelude)Traces and Roots *Moonlight Records
EsbePassing Storm in YosemiteMountain Aires *New Cat
EsbeSunset on Mount HotakaMountain Aires *New Cat

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